5 Types of Behavior Therapy for Children With Autism

Autism spectrum disorder affects brain development that causes problems with repetitive or restricted behavior, social interactions, speech, and non-verbal communication. However, the autism signs and their severity are different for every child. While autism isn't curable, autism therapy can assist with the management of the symptoms. Behavior therapy is one effective treatment to consider for autistic kids. Here are the five behavior autism therapies you should know.

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI)

RDI is family-oriented therapy that addresses the autistic child's social behavior. The method encourages more of the parent's involvement than the therapist's. The overall goal of RDI is to enable the child to create emotional connections and share experiences. This treatment begins with the therapist assessing and setting the behavioral goals. These goals can target the growth of various skills, including interpersonal relations and socialization. Also, parents attend training to understand how to carry out RDI treatment. For instance, eye contact and two-way communication can prompt the growth of such skills.

Verbal Behavior Therapy (VBT)

VBT trains non-vocal kids on communicating with a purpose. Kids understand the practical use of words to get the desired responses. Also, the kids know how to label and vocalize what they want. Generally, a therapist introduces a trigger, for example, a toy depending on the child's preference. The toy attracts the child's interests and encourages the kid to communicate or use a language to request the toy. Overall, this autism therapy teaches autistic kids that communication leads to positive outcomes.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

The ABA therapy trains skills to do with communication and social skills while suppressing troublesome behaviors. A therapist breaks down these skills and helps autistic kids learn them through repetition and motivation. Also, a therapist assesses a child's capabilities and establishes beneficial skills. Hence, the treatment focuses on growing these skills. ABA is ideal for children with severe autistic symptoms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT aims at identifying what triggers specific behavior, such as anxiety, so that the autistic child recognizes them. The therapist then introduces realistic reactions to the stimuli via repetition. CBT is ideal for children with mild autistic symptoms.

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory integration therapy improves a child's sensitivity to sensory stimuli which may overwhelm the kid, including bright lights and loud noise. Ideally, a therapist teaches behavior by introducing an autistic kid to higher levels of the stimuli without pushing the child's limits. The therapy doesn't require long sessions as results manifest quickly.

CBT, ABA, VBT, RDI, and sensory integration therapy are common autism therapy options. Consider these therapies to teach desired behavior to your autistic child.
