The Perfect Fit: What Else To Look For In A Daycare

For many working parents, daycare can be a downright lifesaver! But sometimes, finding the right daycare that works out for both you and your child can seem like a challenge. While proximity to your home or work, cost, and reputation are all important factors to consider when choosing a daycare, there are several other subjects that should be looked at as well. Read on for what to consider when choosing a daycare center for your little one. 

Experience of Staff

When deciding on the right daycare for your child, the best place to look is at the staff. Consider their backgrounds, experience levels, and overall compatibility with children. Those who have worked with children in the past, have excellent recommendations, and love their job are all great qualities of what to look for in the right daycare center. Be sure to meet with your child's daycare staff in person to get a feel for their personalities. A caring and professional staff will be knowledgeable regarding children and able to speak extensively to you about their progress and behavior. 

Safety Protocols

When touring the daycare facility, ask about what safety protocols are currently in place to guarantee the safety of students. Daycares should have up-to-date smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire escape routes in place, and security cameras in both interior and exterior areas. First aid kits should be easily available for teachers to access and should be stocked with the necessities including bandages, gauze, splints, disinfectant wipes, and antibiotic creams. In the case of an emergency, also be sure to ask what the typical protocol is as far as contacting parents or guardians. 

Potty Training Deadlines

Depending on the age of your child, there may or may not be a potty training deadline put into place by the daycare. For older students, such as those ages three and up, potty training completeness may be a prerequisite before enrolling your child, so be sure to speak to the daycare regarding this. Using whichever method works best for you and your child, try to encourage them to use sit-down potties rather than going in their diapers. The introduction of pull-ups during this time will be extremely beneficial as well! Speak to your child beforehand regarding bathroom etiquette and encourage them to speak up if they need to use the bathroom. In the case that your child does have an accident at the daycare, be sure to have packed an extra set of clothes for their comfort. 
